All You Need to Know About Liposuction!

The benefits of removing excess fat can be enormous, literally and figuratively! Liposuction is among the cosmetic surgery procedures with the highest rate of patient satisfaction. Many patients experience an immediate improvement in their self-esteem and overall confidence. Liposuction may be performed alone or with plastic surgery procedures such as a face and neck lift, breast reduction or tummy tuck. The procedure was first performed in 1974 and there have been many advances in techniques over the enduing 38 years, making it one of the most predictable and popular body-contouring surgeries in the world. Who is a suitable candidate? The ideal liposuction candidate is at, or near their ideal weight, with good skin elasticity and is seeking reduction of diet- and exercise-resistant localized pockets of fat. Common sites include the upper arms, hips, outer thighs, abdomen, mid back, buttocks, knees, neck and chin. Some men have...