Vaser liposuction – A glance at the procedure

A liposuction method makes use of ultrasonic frequency for breaking down the fatty cells known as vaser or ultrasonic liposuction . It is the most advanced technique which provides an effective and safe body contouring with minimal downtime and is performed under local anesthesia. PROCEDURE It works between the layer of muscle and the layer of skin by making use of a small probe that transmits sound energy for breaking the fatty tissues. In this procedure, small probes are inserted in the targeted areas from where the fat deposits have to be reduced. These probes resonate at high frequency releasing sound waves that actually shake loose fatty cells into the liquefied form which are gently suctioned out. Then the liquefied fat is removed through a gentle suction procedure giving quick results and optimal body sculpting. When it comes to this treatment approach, patients need only one treatment per region. The treatment makes it possible to get rid of great volum...