Is Liposuction Permanent?

Liposuction is a permanent option for someone looking to eliminate fat in areas that diet and exercise haven't helped with. It is not used as an option for obese patients looking for weight loss treatments, and patients also need to be in good overall health. If you have fat in certain areas, such as your belly that won't go away, Dr. Ajaya Kashyap considers you to be a suitable candidate for liposuction. These procedures are not intended for patients who are obese and need to lose a lot of weight. He will evaluate you and let you know if liposuction is a good option for you. Because liposuction involves suctioning the fat cells out of your body, it is a permanent procedure. However, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine is important as fat can return to the are where you have had liposuction . Get more information log on to